Photo by Michele Minardi
Piero Zilio is a documentary photographer and freelance photojournalist known as "The Quiet Photo Reporter".
Piero Zilio is a documentary photographer from Sardinia, Italy. In the realm of photojournalism, he is known as “The Quiet Photo Reporter”, a silent yet attentive observer whose powerful photographs unearth people’s lives. Piero delves into meticulous research and documentation before his camera even makes an appearance and seeks a connection with his subjects before taking the shot. Empathy is key to his work.
From the outset, Piero has held an unwavering belief that his photographs’ true essence lies not in their aesthetic perfection but in the compelling real-life tales they convey. Hence, he values the story over the picture. His approach is factual and down to earth.
Piero’s path into photography is grounded in a diverse background spanning media, sociology, journalism, and anthropology. His first photographic reportage was based not only on the story but also on first-hand experience of the world in third class. At this early stage, Piero focussed on exploring and documenting cultural diversity. Today, he reports on sensitive social issues. Human rights are one of his guiding principles and subjects, to observe and constructively report on life.
Piero has published pictures and articles on several European newspapers and magazines. His most impactful photographs have been chosen by international NGOs to portray burning social issues.
Sardinia, ITALY
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